Sunday 11 January 2015

Science of Meditation

An important reason for the discrepant findings in different electroencephalographic studies of meditation seems to be the fact that meditation is not a single psychological or physiological state. Visual and quantitative analysis of the 192 channel EEG recordings of twelve experienced practitioners of Vihangam yoga who claimed perception of an inner light through out their meditation practice was carried out before, during and after meditation. 
Meditation is not a single psychological or physiological state. There are different kinds of meditation and equally varying states through which one might pass during meditation practice. The efforts to find the electrophysiological correlates of meditation have increased tremendously in the last 50 years (1). However, the results from different studies have been quite conflicting (1,2,3). An important reason for this seems to be the variable nature of the experiences associated with meditation.Perhaps different studies have tapped the electrophysiological correlates of different states of meditation. It thus seems pertinent to perform state-specific investigations rather than exploring a meditative practice as a whole. Also, there is dearth of studies using dense array EEG to get a better spatial resolution of the electroencephalographic changes during meditation. With this idea in mind, we conducted a 192 channel EEG study of the inner light perception state during meditation.

About Sant

Sant Pravar Shri Vigyandev Ji Maharaj (संत प्रवर श्री विज्ञानदेव जी महाराज) is a prominent Indian Saint and a spiritual leader. He is known for his discourses of Swarved Kathamrit. He conducts more than 30 Kathas every year in India and beyond creating awareness about ancient spiritual science, via the unmatched spiritual scripture ‘Swarved’.
He is also the second highest authority of Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan, a spiritual organization and an NGO recognized with the special consultative status of the UN ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council).
Sant Pravar, literally meaning the saint of highest order, travels throughout the globe to preach the philosophies of Vihangam Yoga and for humanitarian activities. His speeches are about the ancient spiritual heritage of India, and spiritual practices, independent of religious faiths.
He started taking on large scale spiritual addressing from early teenage. In his speeches he talks about the importance of leaving a pure and spiritual life, resulting in stability, peace and happiness. He also speaks about the prevalent social evil and misconceptions on the name of spirituality. In his speeches he often emphasizes upon the need and method to search and identify the absolute truth beyond any illusion or false knowledge. He inspires everyone to see beyond the limited, short term needs and realize the true goal of human life, which is essentially spiritual.

Saturday 10 January 2015

Unique Book

The most exalted, the most revered, the Himalaya Yogi His Holiness Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj wrote several treatises during 17 long years of most arduous penance in Himalayan and other caves. The most unique and sacred of them all - that bares the entire secret of the cosmos - is " Swarved ".
This entire treatise was conceived, visualized and expressed in simple yet highly codified words in a metaphysical state of chetan samaadhi and without taking recourse to any holy scripture.
This treatise happens to be the only one of its kind in the whole world that not only reveals the esoteric metaphysical science of consciousness but also gives step by step spiritual practices by performing which under the guidance of Sadguru any practitioner can attain enlightenment and actually experience the presence of the Almighty God, the Universal Soul.
As only first parampara Sadguru, Dharmachandradeo ji Maharaj would know the real message underlying the 3137 codified verses of this sacred treatise,Swarved, he was emphaticaly and repeatedly instructed by Sadguru Sadafaldeo ji Maharaj to write its detailed commentary.But for this commentary a common man / woman would not have been able to grasp the real import of these verses that help in transforming one's life.
Even today, when a yoga practitioner chants the rhymes of Swarved , he experiences deep vibrations inside. Such is the glory of this scripture.
Some of the topics that are covered in detail in Swarved are the Mind, the Soul, the Prana (Breath), the Sadguru, the Supreme Soul or God, the Kala (Time), the Sushmana and the Kundalini, the material and metaphysical worlds, stages of meditation, divine reverberating words (Niranjan, OM, Soham, Shakti, Rarankar), Birth and Death, Salvation and the list is virtually endless.

Sample Verses from Swarved - The Encyclopedia of Spirituality : 
Pratam Bhakti Gurudev ki, Mann vach kaya saadh. 
Shahaj Gyaan Vairagya hai, sab gun saadhan raadh.
-Swarved Uttararddha - Canto Six, Chapter One, Verse 1
Explanation - It is essential for aspirants of Brahmavidya first to control their mind, speech, body and go to the teacher of this science, Sadguru's shelter and please him through their services and devotion. Thereafter they should begin Yoga - practice having been initiated into the secret internal process of Brahmavidya. In addition to this they should be really deserving for the same by developing qualities such as knowledge, reclusion, restraint over their sense-organs, tolerance etc. because only deserving aspirants acquire the sublime status of Brahmavidya, and not all and sundry.

Uttkat shraddha guru charan, khule shushmana dwaar. 
Yeh pratyakshya pramaan hai, bahu bedhi jan paar.
-Swarved Uttararddha - Canto Six, Chapter One, Verse 2

Explanation - The fine door inside the Sushmana, the last one which was closed till now, opens through sincere and unflinching love in Sadguru's holy feet. Only then the conscious energy of the soul goes beyond Prakriti and passing through the conscious zone of Akshar, reaches that of the Supreme Akshar (The Almighty), and acquires divine bliss and nectar thereof. By meditating on Sadguru's holy feet in that special zone, the aperture inside the Sushmana opens and Kundalini, the serpentine power withdraws its hood from the said door. Through this very secret practice several disciples of Sadguru have reached beyond Prakriti and have acquired divine experience and are also doing so now. So those desiring salvation should try to awaken Kundalini and go beyond the zone of Prakriti in the above-noted manner.

Full Address:
Maharshi Sadafal Deo Ji Maharaj
Chhatnag Road, Jhunsi
Allahabad, UP - 211019
Landmark - Harish Chandra Research Institute (HRI)
Phone: 0532 2090 456/7/8/9, 9454066666

Friday 9 January 2015

About Sant

Sant Pravar Shri Vigyandev Ji Maharaj (संत प्रवर श्री विज्ञानदेव जी महाराज) is a prominent Indian Saint and a spiritual leader. He is known for his discourses of Swarved Kathamrit. He conducts more than 30 Kathas every year in India and beyond creating awareness about ancient spiritual science, via the unmatched spiritual scripture ‘Swarved’.
He is also the second highest authority of Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan, a spiritual organization and an NGO recognized with the special consultative status of the UN ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council).
Sant Pravar, literally meaning the saint of highest order, travels throughout the globe to preach the philosophies of Vihangam Yoga and for humanitarian activities. His speeches are about the ancient spiritual heritage of India, and spiritual practices, independent of religious faiths.
He started taking on large scale spiritual addressing from early teenage. In his speeches he talks about the importance of leaving a pure and spiritual life, resulting in stability, peace and happiness. He also speaks about the prevalent social evil and misconceptions on the name of spirituality. In his speeches he often emphasizes upon the need and method to search and identify the absolute truth beyond any illusion or false knowledge. He inspires everyone to see beyond the limited, short term needs and realize the true goal of human life, which is essentially spiritual.

About Ashram

Situated on the banks of Holy Ganges, and very close to the Triveni Sangam (Tri-junction) of rivers Ganga and Yamuna, Jhunsi Ashram is the centre of excellence, and the operational international headquarters of Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan. Rich in spiritual energies, surrounded by lush greenery and echoed by the sound of chirping birds and river waves, this 10-acre campus is a paradise for spiritual seekers. His Holiness Shri Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj meditated in this holy place from year 1921 onwards. He used to call it His University in spiritual sense. This is where he was honored with the supreme authority of the Sadguru by the Eternal Sadguru. He renounced His body in this very campus while sitting in Yogic posture and then spoke from the void (Akash Vani) for 15 min in the presence of many Disciples. Close to this campus is His Samadhi.
The campus is equipped with all modern amenities, including 24 hours power supply and wifi spots.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Sant Pravar Shri Vigyan Deo Ji Maharaj

Sant Pravar Shri Vigyandev Ji Maharaj (संत प्रवर श्री विज्ञानदेव जी महाराज) is a prominent Indian Saint and a spiritual leader. He is known for his discourses of Swarved Kathamrit. He conducts more than 30 Kathas every year in India and beyond creating awareness about ancient spiritual science, via the unmatched spiritual scripture ‘Swarved’.
He is also the second highest authority of Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan, a spiritual organization and an NGO recognized with the special consultative status of the UN ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council).
Sant Pravar, literally meaning the saint of highest order, travels throughout the globe to preach the philosophies of Vihangam Yoga and for humanitarian activities. His speeches are about the ancient spiritual heritage of India, and spiritual practices, independent of religious faiths.
He started taking on large scale spiritual addressing from early teenage. In his speeches he talks about the importance of leaving a pure and spiritual life, resulting in stability, peace and happiness. He also speaks about the prevalent social evil and misconceptions on the name of spirituality. In his speuman leches he often emphasizes upon the need and method to search and identify the absolute truth beyond any illusion or false knowledge. He inspires everyone to see beyond the limited, short term needs and realize the true goal of hife, which is essentially spiritual.