Tuesday 6 January 2015

Achary Shri Swatantra Deo Ji Maharaj


    The world was blessed with his birth on 28th July 1947 in the village of Garhwar in Ballia, Uttar Pradesh, India. With his birth, Swami Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj called him as Swatantradeo and disclosed that India will become an independent nation now and the innumerable suffering souls will get salvation from this world full of agonies under the guidance of this child. He is the grandson of Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj and son of Acharya Sri Dharmachandradeo Ji Maharaj.


At the age of 5 years only, He started taking interest in reading Vedas and answering the questions from disciples. The disciples were amazed with his extraordinary abilities and knowledge. When he was 16 years old, Swamiji sent him to Panini University at Kashi for learning Sanskrit and Veda. The faculties and students at Kashi were all stunned with his excellence in the subject.

Honoured With Heritage

In 1969, The then Sadguru and his father, Acharya Sri Dharmachandradeo Ji Maharaj handed over the secret knowledge, power and Sadguru-authority to Sri Swatantradeo Ji and honored him as second Parampara Sadguru, when he was just 22. Sri Swatantradeo Ji started the mission of spreading the Brahma Vidya knowledge to the needy souls with complete dedication towards fulfilling Sri Swamiji's pledge. In the beginning, Sri Swatantradeo Ji had several challenges in hand. In all odd conditions, Sri Swatantradeo Ji continued his mission without a slight detoriation in his dedication.
Brahma Vidya hai Brahmaja, Hai yah Ishwariya Dhaar!
Dabei na saari shakti se ,Sadguru Jagat Prachaar !!
(The Brahma Vidya originates from the Supreme Lord Himself; it flows from the Lord Himself. Nothing in the world can suppress this from getting spread in the entire world).

On the mission

Endowed with twenty kalas (divine spiritual powers), the spiritual master Acharya Sri Swatantradeo Ji Maharaj is the present Sadguru in physical form. The spiritual power of none other than The Eternal Sadguru himself flows constantly into his soul. With extraordinary abilities and Second Parampara Sadguru Authority, He is spreading the knowledge of Brahma Vidya all over the world so as to fulfill the pledge taken by Swami Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj for the salvation of minimum 1 lakh of eligible souls.
The power and knowledge of The Eternal Sadguru is flowing through his body. Sadguru Sri Swatantradeo Ji Maharaj is endowed with supernatural powers but it is the greatness of Sri Swamiji that he believes in living as per the law of nature and presents himself like any other ordinary person. An ordinary person will not be able to know his divine abilities by his simple appearance.
"Sadguru mein akarshan bhaari (Sadguru has magnetic personality)" - this Swarveda mantra is the best test to identify a Sadguru and when Sri Swatantradeo Ji starts his Amritvani from the zone of Akshar Brahma, nothing remains unveiled. The conscious energy of deserving disciples start pulling upwards; many start shaking thanks to extreme pull by Kundalini power; many true seekers get the answers of their unquenched thirst and queries that never opened up!
Saar Shabd Guru Ek hai, Yaamein Bhed na maan!
Bhed Maan Bhavkoop parei, Nirbhedi Nirvaan!!

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